This is the form submitted by point-to-point users in order to apply for
Radio Service Authorization from the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.
Our automatic system can prepare this FCC form for any path from our database. By completing the form automatically, we eliminate costly typographical errors.
As the number of microwave users continues to increase, selecting frequencies has become more complex. Intelpath's interference study programs take into account industry guidelines, antenna characteristics, terrain loss, radio characteristics, etc. Our degreed engineers are skilled in alternatives that are available, and they will work closely with the client to determine the best result.
FCC rules governing terrestrial microwave can be found in CFR Title 47, Part 101.
As mandated by FCC Rules and Regulations, we notify other users within range of the proposed system through the Prior Coordination Notice (PCN) process.
After obtaining clearance from carriers who are in range, we can file the client's application directly with the FCC, or we can provide the appropriate documentation to assist the client in filing his own application.
Our databases are updated daily as information becomes available through proposals, PCNs, license applications and license grants.